Revenue generated by Top Companies per Hour
Here is the list of top revenue generator companies in an hour. Just open your eyes and read these amazing facts about their revenue without being surprised while counting the zeros...
$34.5 million per hour | ₹260 crore per hour | |
$26.7 million per hour | ₹201 crore per hour | |
$18.8 million per hour | ₹142 crore per hour | |
$16.0 million per hour | ₹121 crore per hour | |
$7.9 million per hour | ₹60 crore per hour | |
$2.6 million per hour | ₹20 crore per hour |
Amount in ₹ is approx. value of $ amount.
(Source : Jon Erlichman)
Founding Year of Most Popular Companies
Year these companies were founded:
2011: Zoom
2009: Uber
2006: Twitter
2006: Spotify
2002: SpaceX
2003: Tesla
1999: Alibaba
1976: Apple
1997: Netflix
1994: Amazon
1923: Disney
1946: Sony
1938: Samsung
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